It Will Never End - 8.23

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Overview of Q2 venture investing from Carta:

Top Read:

How To Do Great Work - Paul Graham

Every time Paul puts out new information, I'd suggest you check it out.

This read is long, if you're looking for a quicker visual summary, check out my thread w/ screenshots.

Top Listen:

Josh Kushner - Building Thrive Capital

Josh is 38, and has built Thrive to be a VC juggernaut w/ 15B AUM and investments in Spotify, stripe, Instagram, twitch and more.

Couple key takeaways:

On how to choose who to back

"If you actually have to choose between the most experienced person, the most educated person or the person who actually wants it the most, you always pick the person who wants it the most."


I think our view is there are big markets, there are large markets and there are infinite markets. And I think the only places that you want to play are in the infinite markets. I think no differently than our investments. Every single incubation that we create has a grand ambition, but there's usually a very specific product that we believe should be built from the beginning that ultimately creates a wedge into a much larger opportunity.

The Vicious Cycle

"As firms scale, they start to lose a sense of who they are. They start to focus on AUM. They start to focus on doing things that they weren't necessarily good at in the beginning. That leads to the vicious cycle. The vicious cycle is you have a lower cost of capital. The lower cost of capital leads to lower human capital, less ambitious people. Less ambitious people leads to lower returns, and it just leads to mediocrity."

Helping Friends:

Giving my man Ethan Crosson a quick shout-out and his company, MAX Efficient. He's got over 12 years of experience in this space.

It's that time of the year - employee benefit renewal time. this entire process is a pain for most organizations, but it doesn't have to be. MAX Efficient has achieved a combined increase of less than 1.4% on medical premiums over our entire book since 2019 while increasing the quality of service by 100%.

If interested in learning more/getting connected directly, let me know!


Till next time,


@itschriskeith always best for real-time updates :)

It Will Never End

Top reads, writings, tweets, thoughts, sent monthly :)

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